Run PEPPRO with a multiple container manager.

Whether you are using docker or singularity, we have a solution to run the pipeline using containers that reduces the installation burden.

In addition to cloning the PEPPRO repository, this requires the installation and configuration of a single python package, our multi-container environment manager bulker. We support using bulker for a few reasons:

  1. It simplifies container use by wrapping the complexities of docker or singularity calls so that you can use a containerized program without even realizing you're using a container. You can call a program at the command line the same as your would without using bulker.
  2. Similar to a dockerfile, you can distribute sets of tools but as a separate set of containers, not a single, unwieldy, and monolithic container.
  3. Since bulker commands behave like native commands, a workflow becomes automatically containerized with bulker.
  4. Finally, this makes bulker environments very portable, since the only requirement for native-like command use is docker or singularity.

Bulker has a guide to running PEPPRO, but we'll go into more detail below.

If you would still prefer using a single container, we do provide a PEPPRO dockerfile and support for running the pipeline using a single, monolithic container..

Running PEPPRO using bulker

1. Clone the PEPPRO pipeline

git clone

2. Get genome assets

We recommend refgenie to manage all required and optional genome assets. However, PEPPRO can also accept file paths to any of the assets.

2a. Initialize refgenie and download assets

PEPPRO can utilize refgenie assets. Because assets are user-dependent, these files must still exist outside of a container system. Therefore, we need to install and initialize a refgenie config file.. For example:

pip install refgenie
export REFGENIE=/path/to/your_genome_folder/genome_config.yaml
refgenie init -c $REFGENIE

Add the export REFGENIE line to your .bashrc or .profile to ensure it persists.

Next, pull the assets you need. Replace hg38 in the example below if you need to use a different genome assembly. If these assets are not available automatically for your genome of interest, then you'll need to build them.

refgenie pull hg38/fasta hg38/bowtie2_index hg38/refgene_anno hg38/ensembl_gtf hg38/ensembl_rb
refgenie build hg38/feat_annotation

PEPPRO also requires a bowtie2_index asset for any pre-alignment genomes:

refgenie pull human_rDNA/fasta human_rDNA/bowtie2_index

2b. Download assets manually

If you prefer not to use refgenie, you can also download and construct assets manually. The minimum required assets for a genome includes:

Optional assets include:

Even if you are not using refgenie, you can still grab premade assets for all required and optional assets from the refgenie servers. Refgenie uses algorithmically derived genome digests under-the-hood to unambiguously define genomes. That's what you'll see being used in the example below when we manually download these assets. Therefore, 2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4 is the digest for the human readable alias, "hg38", and b769bcf2deaf9d061d94f2007a0e956249905c64653cb5c8 is the digest for "human_rDNA."

From the peppro/ repository:

wget -O hg38.fasta.tgz
wget  -O hg38.bowtie2_index.tgz
wget  -O hg38.ensembl_gtf.tgz
wget  -O hg38.ensembl_rb.tgz
wget  -O hg38.refgene_anno.tgz
wget -O hg38.feat_annotation.gz
wget  -O human_rDNA.fasta.tgz
wget  -O human_rDNA.bowtie2_index.tgz

Then, extract these files:

tar xvf hg38.fasta.tgz
tar xvf hg38.bowtie2_index.tgz
mv hg38.feat_annotation.gz default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4.annotation.bed.gz
tar xvf hg38.refgene_anno.tgz
tar xvf hg38.ensembl_rb.tgz
tar xvf hg38.ensembl_gtf.tgz
tar xvf human_rDNA.fasta.tgz
tar xvf human_rDNA.bowtie2_index.tgz

3. Install and configure bulker

Check out the bulker setup guide to install bulker on your system. It is a straightforward python package with a few configuration steps required prior to use with PEPPRO.

4. Confirm installation

After setting up your environment to run PEPPRO with bulker, you can confirm the pipeline is now executable with bulker using the included checkinstall script. This can either be run directly from the peppro/ repository...


or from the web:

curl -sSL | bash

5. Load the PEPPRO crate

We've already produced a bulker crate for PEPPRO that requires all software needed to run the pipeline. We can load this crate directly from the bulker registry:

bulker load databio/peppro:1.0.1 -r

6. Activate the PEPPRO crate

Now that we've loaded the PEPPRO crate, we need to activate that specific crate so its included tools are available.

bulker activate databio/peppro:1.0.1

Now, you can run any of the commands in the crate as if they were natively installed, but they're actually running in containers!

7. Run the sample processing pipeline

Now we simply run the pipeline like you would with a native installation, but we wouldn't have needed to install any additional tools!

7a. Run the pipeline using looper

Since bulker automatically directs any calls to required software to instead be executed in containers, we can just run our project the exact same way we would when we installed everything natively!

Run the pipeline with looper and refgenie

looper run examples/meta/peppro_test_refgenie.yaml

Run the pipeline with looper and manual asset specifications

looper run examples/meta/peppro_test.yaml

7b. Run the pipeline at the command line

If you are using refgenie, but running directly at the command-line you need to specify paths to any assets that you pulled above. When the pipeline is run with looper, you can simply specify human-readable aliases to auto-populate these variables. See the looper refgenie configuration file for an example.

You can grab the path to the minimally required --chrom-sizes and --genome-index files as follows:

refgenie seek hg38/fasta.chrom_sizes
refgenie seek hg38/bowtie2_index.dir

And if you are using pre-alignments, you need the genome index for any pre-alignment genomes, --prealignment-index:

refgenie seek human_rDNA/bowtie2_index.dir

For the full potential of the pipeline, you'll also need the file paths for the following assets:

pipeline argument refgenie command to retrieve file path
--TSS-name refgenie seek hg38/refgene_anno.refgene_tss
--anno-name refgenie seek hg38/feat_annotation
--pre-name refgenie seek hg38/refgene_anno.refgene_pre_mRNA
--exon-name refgenie seek hg38/refgene_anno.refgene_exon
--intron-name refgenie seek hg38/refgene_anno.refgene_intron
--pi-tss refgenie seek hg38/ensembl_gtf.ensembl_tss
--pi-body refgenie seek hg38/ensembl_gtf.ensembl_gene_body

You'll need to update the paths to the assets to reflect the results from refgenie seek. Below is an example where all those assets are local to the peppro/ repository.

From the peppro/ repository folder (using refgenie managed genome assets file paths):

pipelines/ --single-or-paired single \
  --prealignment-index human_rDNA=default/b769bcf2deaf9d061d94f2007a0e956249905c64653cb5c8 \
  --genome-index default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4 \
  --chrom-sizes default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4.chrom.sizes \
  --genome hg38 \
  --sample-name test \
  --input examples/data/test_r1.fq.gz \
  --TSS-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_TSS.bed \
  --anno-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4.annotation.bed.gz \
  --pre-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_pre-mRNA.bed \
  --exon-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_exons.bed \
  --intron-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_introns.bed \
  --pi-tss default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_ensembl_TSS.bed \
  --pi-body default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_ensembl_gene_body.bed \
  -O peppro_test

In the previous example, we used refgenie assets that we placed in the same location as if we manually downloaded assets to the peppro/ repository, so the file paths here look the same. From the peppro/ repository folder (using the manually downloaded genome assets):

pipelines/ --single-or-paired single \
  --prealignment-index human_rDNA=default/b769bcf2deaf9d061d94f2007a0e956249905c64653cb5c8 \
  --genome hg38 \
  --genome-index default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4 \
  --chrom-sizes default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4.chrom.sizes \
  --sample-name test \
  --input examples/data/test_r1.fq.gz \
  --TSS-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_TSS.bed \
  --anno-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4.annotation.bed.gz \
  --pre-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_pre-mRNA.bed \
  --exon-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_exons.bed \
  --intron-name default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_introns.bed \
  --pi-tss default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_ensembl_TSS.bed \
  --pi-body default/2230c535660fb4774114bfa966a62f823fdb6d21acf138d4_ensembl_gene_body.bed \
  -O peppro_test

With a single processor, this will take around 30 minutes to complete.

8. Run the project level pipeline

PEPPRO also includes a project-level processing pipeline to summarize the pipeline with reports on sample library complexities and count matrices across the samples in the project.

This should take < a minute on the test sample and will generate a summary/ directory containing project level output in the parent project directory. To see more, you can run through the extended tutorial to see this in action.

Run the project pipeline with looper and refgenie

looper runp examples/meta/peppro_test_refgenie.yaml

Run the project pipeline with looper and manual asset specifications

looper runp examples/meta/peppro_test.yaml

9. Generate an HTML report using looper

Looper can generate a pipeline HTML report that makes all our results easy to view and browse. Using the same configuration file we used to run the samples through the pipeline, we'll now employ the report function of looper.

Generate the HTML report with looper and refgenie managed assets

looper report examples/meta/peppro_test_refgenie.yaml

Generate the HTML report with looper and manual asset specifications

looper report examples/meta/peppro_test.yaml